Category: Blog

  • Alert: Your password is probably compromised…again

    Alert: Your password is probably compromised…again

    Hackers have exposed millions of passwords from Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Sadly, password compromise is so common that it barely even registers as news any more. Suffice to say that it’s probably time to change your password again. Ideally, a compromised Twitter password would only enable an attacker to access Twitter, and an exposed Facebook…

  • SaaS vendors should stick with their strengths

    SaaS vendors should stick with their strengths

    SaaS (software-as-a-service) and cloud services are still a relatively nascent industry. There is a strong temptation as companies evolve to try and do it all, but trying to be all things to all customers typically leads to doing none of them well. Companies should stick with their core strengths and collaborate rather than compete with…

  • Windows XP holdouts: 3 reasons you must upgrade now. Yes, now.

    Windows XP holdouts: 3 reasons you must upgrade now. Yes, now.

    You really, really need to dump Windows XP. No, really. Windows XP was great, and many users still love the operating system, but…it’s more than a decade old. At the rate technology evolves, that makes Windows XP a near-relic. Although it may still appear to work fine, the mantra of “if it ain’t broke, don’t…