• Lancope survey: Security awareness trending up

    Lancope survey: Security awareness trending up

    You may be familiar with those “The More You Know” public service announcements that used to run on NBC. The premise is a good one–that knowledge is key, and the more you know, the more you’re able to make intelligent, informed decisions. Nowhere is that more true than security awareness for computer and information security.…

  • Survey: younger employees break the rules and put your company at risk

    Survey: younger employees break the rules and put your company at risk

    Despite the freewheeling autononmy implied by the “bring your own device”movement, companies that embrace the consumerization of IT still have policies in place to govern the management and security of those devices. According to a new survey from Fortinet, though, a majority of younger employees are more than willing to ignore those policies if they don’t agree with…

  • Surface Pro, Day 24: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

    Surface Pro, Day 24: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

    30 Days with Surface Pro: Day 24 A revolution has overtaken IT in recent years. Thanks to the BYOD (bring your own device) trend, more and more businesses are letting employees choose which platforms and devices they use to get things done. Day 24 of the 30 Days with Surface Pro series explores how the…