Tag: Windows XP

  • A closer look at Windows 8’s decline in market share

    A closer look at Windows 8’s decline in market share

      There is a lot of good news for Microsoft in the most recent Net Market Share data. The silver lining is overshadowed, however, by the fact that the current flagship operating system–Windows 8–actually declined in market share over the last month. I think it goes without saying that is never a good thing. First…

  • 10 (Stubbornly Pervasive) Windows XP Myths Debunked

    10 (Stubbornly Pervasive) Windows XP Myths Debunked

    Microsoft support for Windows XP expired a month ago, and yet hundreds of millions of users around the world are still using it. Personally, I think that is a bad idea, but it’s a free world and people are entitled to still run DOS, or use a Commodore Amiga if they choose. However, I do…

  • Closing the door on Windows: A guide to changing operating systems

    Closing the door on Windows: A guide to changing operating systems

    Is it time for you to dump Windows XP, or maybe to abandon Windows altogether? Windows 8 has improved significantly with the 8.1 upgrade. Nevertheless, for many users, Windows 8’s modern-style interface—incorporating major changes like Live Tiles and the removal of the Start menu—remains an object of scorn. And security has always been a bigger headache for Windows than…