Tag: Windows

  • Master Windows 8.1 in seconds with this one simple tip

    Master Windows 8.1 in seconds with this one simple tip

    Windows 8 / 8.1 is different than previous versions of Windows. There is no arguing that. Microsoft was forced to accept the evolution of the tech and computing ecosystem beyond the traditional desktop PC, and to adapt Windows in a way that innovates and expands the horizons of the OS to address the types of…

  • 10 must-have iPhone apps for Windows users

    10 must-have iPhone apps for Windows users

    To many people, Microsoft and Apple represent diametrically opposed factions in a technology holy war. However, the rivalry has eased in recent years as both companies have recognized the changing technology landscape, and developed a strategy to stay connected with customers no matter which device or platform they use. For Microsoft’s part, that has meant crossing…

  • Microsoft is on the right track for the long haul

    Microsoft is on the right track for the long haul

    Adam Hartung is not shy when it comes to expressing his disdain for Microsoft–and more precisely Steve Ballmer. However, that disdain also belies an underlying bias or agenda that makes his “analysis” of Microsoft suspect. Hartung believes that the ship has already sailed and the demise of Microsoft is inevitable. Microsoft will fail…hard and fast.…