Category: Blog

  • Review: Cambridge Audio Minx Air 200

    Review: Cambridge Audio Minx Air 200

    I found a wireless speaker system I can love, and it’s called the Minx Air 200. My living room is pre-wired for surround sound, and there is also wiring in place to install speakers on the back porch. When the house was built I had planned to invest in a Sonos system with speakers throughout…

  • Microsoft adopts Apple strategy with OWA for Devices

    Microsoft adopts Apple strategy with OWA for Devices

    Microsoft and Apple have traditionally approached computing and technology from two very different perspectives. Microsoft generally embraces a more open, collaborative philosophy that gives OEM partners and developers freedom to mold the experience as they see fit. Apple, on the other hand, exerts somewhat draconian control over the complete hardware and software experience–allowing little, if…

  • New 30 Days series coming soon — two of them

    New 30 Days series coming soon — two of them

    It’s been a while since I have done a 30 Days series, but I am getting to ready to launch two of them simultaneously. I will be conducting an extensive, real-world review of the Surface Pro 3, and a Nokia Lumia smartphone running Windows Phone 8.1 for the next couple months. I decided to do…