Category: Blog

  • Review: Rydis H68 Pro Robot Vacuum

    Review: Rydis H68 Pro Robot Vacuum

    How often do you vacuum your floors? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a device that could just do that automatically for you–either while you’re asleep, or while you’re busy doing productive things of greater value? I think so. I’ve been using the Rydis H68 Pro hybrid robot vacuum and mop from Moneual for…

  • Why you should get a Core i5 Surface Pro 3

    Why you should get a Core i5 Surface Pro 3

        The Surface Pro 3 is available today…sort of. Actually, only two of the five Surface Pro 3 models are available today. The other three won’t be available until August. The good news, though, is that the two models that offer the best overall value are the Core i5 models, and those are the…

  • Are you worried about someone stealing your mobile device?

    Are you worried about someone stealing your mobile device?

    If your smartphone or tablet were lost or stolen, which would concern you more: the cost of replacing the mobile device itself, or the value of the personal content–much of it irreplaceable–on the missing device? Most people still get smartphones on some sort of carrier-subsidized plan that makes them seem less expensive than they actually…