Office 365

  • Office 365 Personal: Not an outstanding value

    Office 365 Personal: Not an outstanding value

    What’s in the Office 365 Personal plan? Microsoft announced at the beginning of March a new Office 365 plan aimed at individuals, and now the Office 365 Personal plan is available for would-be subscribers. There’s nothing wrong with Office 365 Personal. For $70 per year, or $7 per month, an Office 365 Personal subscriber gets…

  • GoDaddy teams with Microsoft to offer Office 365 to small businesses

    GoDaddy teams with Microsoft to offer Office 365 to small businesses

    Microsoft and GoDaddy have partnered to offer Office 365 as the exclusive business-class email and productivity tools service for GoDaddy’s small business customers. GoDaddy is offering customers three different tiers of Office 365 service: Email Essentials, Business Essentials, and Productivity Plus. The Email Essentials plan is only $4 per month, and is tailored to very small business…

  • Five Microsoft services to make any business smarter (including yours)

    Five Microsoft services to make any business smarter (including yours)

    Microsoft’s operating system may be the primary engine in most businesses, but there is a world outside Windows. Microsoft offers an array of services that address some of the most common headaches small businesses face and enable them to operate like much bigger organizations. Here are five of the gems. 1. Office 365 You can…

  • Surface Pro, Day 11: Using Microsoft Office on a Surface Pro

    Surface Pro, Day 11: Using Microsoft Office on a Surface Pro

    30 Days with Surface Pro: Day 11 Day 11 of the 30 Days with Surface Pro journey focuses on using Microsoft Office on the tablet. One of the best things about using a Windows tablet–as opposed to an iPad, Kindle Fire, or any other tablet–is that it has Microsoft Office. A Surface RT has Office,…

  • Office showdown compares apples to hula hoops

    Office showdown compares apples to hula hoops

    Clicking around to see what’s new in tech news I came across an article from PCWorld–a resource that I am a prolific contributor to as author of the Net Work column. I saw a post entitled “Office showdown: Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps“. I clicked on it for two reasons: 1) I wrote a…