Tag: TechRepublic

  • A closer look at Windows 8’s decline in market share

    A closer look at Windows 8’s decline in market share

      There is a lot of good news for Microsoft in the most recent Net Market Share data. The silver lining is overshadowed, however, by the fact that the current flagship operating system–Windows 8–actually declined in market share over the last month. I think it goes without saying that is never a good thing. First…

  • 1TB of OneDrive data is basically the same as ‘unlimited’

    1TB of OneDrive data is basically the same as ‘unlimited’

    ` It’s like having a limit that you’re only allowed to eat 10 gallons of ice cream per day, or you can only watch 24 hours per day of television. No matter what the subject is, there is a point where a “limit” is so high that for all practical purposes it ceases to function…

  • Microsoft adopts Apple strategy with OWA for Devices

    Microsoft adopts Apple strategy with OWA for Devices

    Microsoft and Apple have traditionally approached computing and technology from two very different perspectives. Microsoft generally embraces a more open, collaborative philosophy that gives OEM partners and developers freedom to mold the experience as they see fit. Apple, on the other hand, exerts somewhat draconian control over the complete hardware and software experience–allowing little, if…