Citrix put on a great conference. Citrix Synergy 2014 was filled with big announcements, valuable information, and lots of fun and excitement. It was capped off with a closing party that featured a fleet of food trucks, and a performance by Imagine Dragons.
Citrix CEO Mark Templeton presents opening keynote at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix CEO Mark Templeton presents opening keynote at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix CEO Mark Templeton presents opening keynote at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix CEO Mark Templeton presents opening keynote at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix CEO Mark Templeton presents opening keynote at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix CEO Mark Templeton presents opening keynote at Citrix Synergy 2014.
A post-keynote Q&A panel for the press.
Sudhakar Ramakrishna speaks at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Sudhakar Ramakrishna speaks at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix Chief Demo Officer Brad Peterson shows off new features and capabilities.
Citrix Synergy 2014
Sudhakar Ramakrishna speaks at Citrix Synergy 2014.
Citrix Chief Demo Officer Brad Peterson shows off new features and capabilities.
Citrix Chief Demo Officer Brad Peterson shows off new features and capabilities.
A view up through the palm trees outside the Anaheim Convention Center
Looking down the courtyard between the hotels outside the Anaheim Convention Center.
Citrix Synergy 2014 takes over the Anaheim Convention Center.
Getting ready for the opening keynote of Citrix Synergy 2014.
Demonstrating new services and features at Citrix Synergy 2014.
#CitrixSynergy. The expo floor was pretty awesome with plenty of snacks, drinks, and places to relax and recharge,
I got to try out Google Glass for the first time at a press dinner at The Ranch thanks to Chris Fleck from Citrix.